Thursday, November 14, 2013

Veteran's Day

This past weekend in Philadelphia, we not only commemorated Veteran’s Day, but also celebrated the Marine Corp’s 238th birthday.  Mayor Michael Nutter gave the proclamation in Center City—the birthplace of the Marine Corp—as Marines around the country gathered to honor those, past and present, who put on the uniform of the United States military and put their lives on the line. 

To further celebrate this special day, The Old Breed Rugby Club hosted its annual Old Boys versus Old Boys Rugby Match, where Marine Corp alumni take on Army alumni to commemorate fallen soldiers. GovStreet Capital’s very own Trent Morrow (Chief Operating Officer) participated in the Rugby match representing the Marine Corp for the sixth straight year. A few bumps and bruises, but Trent and his colleagues were out there representing the United States once again. Trent played in honor of his friend Maj. Jeremy Grayck who was killed in action last year. 

Who is The Old Breed Rugby Club?
The Old Breed Rugby Club comprise of Marines (active, reserve, retired and veterans) that at one time played rugby in the Marine Corps. The average age is somewhere in the 40s, yet the exact age is classified.  The Rugby Club competes in "Old Boy" rugby tournaments (meaning players must be at least 35 years old) around the country at least twice per year. Since 2005, our numbers have grown slowly, yet our reputation has grown quickly.

The Old Breed Rugby Club is not only known for their skill, but for their fierce competitiveness, hard hitting and gentlemanly sportsmanship. They are known as the team with the jerseys adorned with mourning band playing for a purpose:  To play in honor of our brothers who can no longer play due to catastrophic injuries suffered in combat or being KIA.  Every tournament, participants and spectators take a moment of silence for our fallen and then listen to a rousing version of The Marine Corps Hymn.

The Club was formed in the winter of 2005, when a group of six Marines decided they needed a way to commemorate our fallen brethren, Marine rugby players who had died in four years of war fighting. The Club also started the Lt. Col. Kevin M. Shea scholarship fund, in honor of LtCol Shea, who was a revered Marine, father and rugby player/coach. Just before Kevin deployed to Iraq in 2004, he had served as an assistant coach to the US Naval Academy rugby team. LtCol Shea was killed September 11, 2004, his birthday in Iraq. Click here for more information on commemoration of fallen soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen…

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