Tuesday, July 15, 2014

GovStreet to Attend NDIA 11th National Small Business Conference in September, 2014

    GovStreet is pleased to announce that members of our team will attend the NDIA 11th National Small Business Conference later this year. The National Defense Industrial Association holds an annual conference to showcase new programs, technology, and products viewed as beneficial by the Department of Defense. However, the focus of this years meeting is uniquely valuable to GovStreet for a number of reasons.  There is an emphasis placed on 'leveling the playing field' for small businesses in search of government contracts, and the solution to problems of this nature will be combated with a wide range variety of expertise in all fields. Federal agencies and legislative experts, to name a few, will come together to keep Federal Acquisition Regulations fair to small businesses, among other provisions that will create equal competition when trying to win a government contract. GovStreet's attendance in September is pivotal to our success in discovering innovative, small scale companies that can gain large scale recognition through working with us and taking advantage of what we have to offer. In the past, the NDIA conferences have always been regarded as memorable and eye opening, and GovStreet believes this year will be no different. To read more about the National Defense Industrial Association, as well as the conference in September, information can be found at http://www.ndia.org/meetings/4140/Pages/default.aspx

Are you attending the 11th Annual National Small Business Conference in Virginia? Are you familiar with any companies or corporations that will be in attendance as well? Share your comments and opinions in the box below.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

GovStreet Proud to Welcome Ralph Oelbermann as VP of Business Development

     GovStreet Capital is pleased to appoint Ralph Oelbermann as Vice President of Business Development at GovStreet Funding.  Mr. Oelbermann’s experience as Executive at First Fidelity Investments and Wells Fargo, and most recently, lead adviser at Whale Path, Inc. brings GovStreet expert insight in the private banking and crowdsourcing sectors respectively. His expansive business network with Venture Capital, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, and Family Offices throughout the US adds to GovStreet’s investor pool immensely.

     The timing of this addition is ideal.  GovStreet is entering a new and exciting growth phase in the government contracts market space. The market is widening and the opportunity for investors with passion and vision has never been better. New small and growth companies are increasingly successful with the government customer.  Newfound stability in government budgets, increased use of set-asides for small business, the advent of new, high-potential companies and new energy and interest from investors gel to provide paramount opportunities.

     Potential clients and small businesses alike can expect to see periodic updates on GovStreet's Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Updates range in content from press releases to updates about our companies progress and newest endeavors. Be sure to "like" us on Facebook, or connect with us on LinkedIn.