Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bubble Burst?


Businessman and former US Politician, David Stockman explains why he thinks there is a pending market bubble.  The bottom-line is everything is overvalued and the market has to correct itself.  Click to see clip:

Bruce Nazzaro, VP of Business Development at GovStreet Capital, commented on the clip. "I agree with Stockman's simple analysis—over-exuberance. It won't be a bubble burst like we saw with the housing market, but a slow leak.  There's not a lot of substance supporting the DOW surpassing 16,000—housing still has problems, the bond market yields a mere 1.75% on 10-year bonds, and employment is not ideal (but improving)." 

The timing of this bubble brings up a dilemma:  Do investors ride stocks into 2014 and risk a sharp decline in value, yet minimize their tax impact?  Or do investors liquidate their stocks to avoid potential stock losses and absorb 2013's tax impact?  Mr. Nazarro comments, "I would scrape my original investment off the table, liquidate my position, and sit on the sidelines through 2014; or find an alternative investment that is lower risk."